Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Help Nature!

Do not destroy the property that the nature puts to your disposal to help you progress.

Cooperate with the trees, because they cooperate with your life, to purify the air that you breathe.

Collaborate with the purity of the springs, because they provide water to quench your thirst.

Assists the ground to produce, so that the bread is always abundant in the table of all.

Help Nature!

Ajude a Natureza.

Não destrua os bens que a natureza coloca a teu dispor, para ajuda-lo a progredir.

Coopere com as árvores, porque elas cooperam com a sua vida, na purificação do ar que você respira.

Colabore com a pureza das fontes, porque elas fornecem água dessedentar teu corpo.

Auxilie o solo a produzir, para que o pão seja sempre farto na mesa de todos.

Ajude a Natureza!

Do not cover, Do it!

 Do not be asking for things.

The arms stuck produce nothing. Rusty hands produce nothing.

Work with enthusiasm and joy, and the work itself will work with yours positive results, the solution of all difficulties.

Find to Love the work that you need to accomplish, and shortly will have the joy living in your heart.