Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Never Give Up! - Nunca Desista!: Earlier today I was in the waiting room of my dent...

Never Give Up! - Nunca Desista!: Earlier today I was in the waiting room of my dent...: Earlier today I was in the waiting room of my dentist and with the magazines had a little book whose name caught my attention, ...
Earlier today I was in the waiting room of my dentist and with the magazines had a little book whose name caught my attention, "Quotes & quips, Insights on living the 7 habits", I started reading and found it very interesting, I copied a snippet posted here because I thought very interesting and has much to do with the profile of my blog, tonight I will go to a bookstore to buy this book. :)

"Being proactive is more than taking the initiative. It is to recognize that we are responsible for our own choices and have the freedom to choose based on principles and values​​, rather than in circumstances and conditions. People are proactive agents of change and choose not to be victims, not be reactive, not to blame others. "

Stephen R. Covey


Estava hoje cedo na sala de espera do meu dentista e junto das revistas havia um pequeno livro cujo nome me chamou a atenção, "Princípois essencias das pessoas altamente eficazes", comecei a ler e achei muito interessante, copiei um trecho que postarei aqui pois achei muito interessante e tem muito a ver com o perfil do meu Blog, hoje a noite irei a uma livraria para comprar este livro. :)

"Ser proativo é mais do que tomar a iniciativa. É reconhecer que somos responsavéis pelas nossas próprias escolhas e que temos a liberdade de escolher com base em princípios e valores, mais do que em circunstâncias e condições. As pessoas proativas são agentes da mudança e escolhem não ser vítimas, não ser reativas, nem pôr a culpa nos outros."

Stephen R. Covey